L is for Lemon Lasagna

and Louis Lion, When It Gets Dark I May Start Cryin’ Greetings, readers, as we are nearly halfway through the alphabet and I couldn’t be happier! Do you realize when we finish this “trek” that you will have 26 new recipes for your cooking war chest? Hey…I’m a problem solver like that. Today’s blog post …

K is for Knock Your Socks Off Cheese Dip

and Kristy Kangaroo, Patience is a Virtue Let’s go, readers…all three of you! Well, maybe four since Kara Clowers GRACIOUSLY said she was ready for the return of the Alphabet Mom. So I officially have four readers…my mom, my sister, my sister-in-law and Kara Clowers. Oh…and Decie Lewis. Just kidding of course, I know I …

A-Z…This Virus is NOT Bigger Than Me

but it almost was Well, hello there fellow hostages…how in the world are you? That was a really dumb question…I know how in the world you are. Same as me. Bloody trapped in a really BAD Sci-Fi movie. Like bad. Like the kind you watched when you were 12 and showed the world in a …

I is for Iceberg Cornbread Layered Salad

and Iguana Ike, the Truth is What I Like “I’ll take a salad.” “I’ll think I will order the salad today.” “I guess I should get a salad.” “Could I have the salad with no croutons and the dressing on the side?” This is the worst, right? When everyone at the table is having Shrimp …

H is for Honey Butter

and Harry Harry Hippo, My Doctor’s Name is Chico Is there anyone out there who doesn’t love butter? I didn’t ask if your boot-tay liked it, I already know the answer to that, but who in their right mind doesn’t love the taste of butter? Because as someone who has studied cooking, and I would …

G is for Grits, Cheese Ones

and Glen Goose a Babysitter is on the Loose Who doesn’t love a good bowl of grits? It’s probably my favorite breakfast food, without a doubt. But the problem for me is that my husband and I have conflicting ways we eat grits, and that has very much affected the way we raise our children. …

F is for Fruit Salad

and Freddy Fox I’ve Got the Chicken Pox I’m just going to say it. You might get tired of me before you’re not. That’s right…when I promised to be back with a vengeance, I didn’t lie. So, in case you have forgotten… This is Just As Disturbing as It Was Yesterday We have a looooottttttt …

E is for Etouffee

and Elephant Emma Lou And more than likely “where the ‘ELL’ have I been?” Is that your next question? I have no defense for taking some time off from the blog. None. I mean, I just started June 17th, so taking a few months off seems a little premature. Right? Was I that exhausted that …

D is for Dill Dip

and Douglas Duck, I Think My Pacifier is Stuck There’s something about the word “dill” that just makes you pucker up immediately. And scrunch your nose. And not even want to try something, just because it doesn’t have sugar or butter in it, right? Don’t be that person. Today’s blog post is for all those …