and her name is the Alphabet Mom

The Alphabet Mom, Cindy G. Foust

 So, I write a blog? That means I have something in common with 173,000,000 other people in the world. Seriously, you didn’t miscount your zeros. I join one hundred seventy-three million other people in the world who write a blog.

I read somewhere that one blog is created every half second. So, in the hour it takes me to write my first blog post, 7,200 other bloggers are also busy creating their platform. That doesn’t count the ones already out there. So, in one day, 172,800 will attempt to commit their message to paper, well the computer, anyway, and now that number now includes me.

For starters, after I read the book, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt, it changed my entire business philosophy. I have spent the last nearly two years studying Mr. Hyatt’s work, and let me tell you, it has been eye-opening.

You see, I have a business, my own business, that I started in 2004, and let me tell you, times were vastly different, and by vast I mean like the Grand Canyon vast…no, like the Pacific Ocean vast…no, like space vast…yeah, that’s big enough. But I’m chasing a rabbit, as usual, and I forgot where the rabbit hole was.

Oh yeah, Platform and getting myself noticed. This book got me to thinking about standing on my platform, the one I have worked for nearly 15 years to build and shouting my message from the roof top. Well, by using my computer, anyway, cause with my luck, I’d fall off the roof.

Except, I was going to have to make some changes, some changes that have been agonizing and changes that are so different from where I started 15 years ago. So that’s what I’ve done, I’ve started a blog. It is my prayer that this new “platform” will allow me to be the 173,000,001st person to brave the space that’s even vaster than the Grand Canyon, the Pacific Ocean and space all together, and that’s the internet, and deliver my message. My singular, all-my-own, authentic, bath-by-fire, crazy, nerve-wracking, gut-wrenching message (Mrs. Sylvia Brass, my 7th grade English teacher and the reason I’m a writer would be so proud of all those adjectives).

Because if there is one thing I have learned from these years of co-mingling wife-hood, motherhood, business-owner-hood and author-hood, someone somewhere will always be interested in how you do it. That’s right, the most frequently asked questions I hear are the “how to” questions.

The thing is, I am still trying to figure it out myself. So, without further ado, off we go braving the wild frontier together. Hopefully you will join me in my weekly attempts to bring humor, common sense (ok, not so much but it sounds good) and quite frequently, self-deprecating narratives that make fun of myself and document the rather inexplicable things that have happened to me (well, that continue to happen to me).

I like to think it’s a cross between Petticoat Junction (that’s a #tbt if I have ever heard one) and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. How’s that for a blog hook?

Some days it will seem like a train wreck that you can’t take your eyes off of, so you have no choice but to read my blog to see what you are missing here in Nutville. Incidentally, I will frequently make up words, much like my beloved mentor, Dr. Seuss, except he has been able to sell 222 million more books than me, and he’s been translated into 15 languages, so that makes him a little more renowned than me.

For now.

Question: What topics would you like for me to write about from an author, business-owner, wife and mother perspective. I will take these recommendations seriously and I can assure you I have plenty of experiences to share.

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  1. I still need your spaghetti sauce recipe…looking forward to that post and many others. Seriously, I love reading anything you write! Makes me not miss seeing you so much!! Best of luck!!

    1. Becky! I will share my spaghetti sauce with you and since I know you don’t cook, I’ll make you some! Thank you so much for following my blog! It will be fun! I love and miss you!

  2. I can honestly say that I have really fell in love with the Alphabetmom Blog. It is so funny because when I am reading it I can literally hear your voice telling the stories. Thanks for sharing your world with us. Love your Buu!!!!!

    1. Decie! Thank you so much! I love that you can hear me telling my stories…because you have certainly heard plenty of them! I love you, too!

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